・みぃな☆さん(女性/18歳) 2008/07/02 23:55:38
下のに追加です。何度もすみません(/_;) The first air-plane flight around the world took place in 1924,completed by Lt.Lowell H.Smith and five other American pilots,and the first solo helicopmer flight around the world was done by an Australian explorer,Dick Smith,in 1982-83. 最初の飛行機の飛行での世界一周は…と訳していいんですかね? As for a nonstop balloon flight all the way around the world,this wasn't completed until 2002,when Steve Fossett eventually succeeded after many attempts. 気球の無着陸飛行での世界一緒について言えば…と訳すのですか? どっちも上手く訳せません(x_x;) |