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投稿情報 内容
NO.113433 添削お願いします。
2010/01/19 16:48:34


 I am against the death penalty. I have three reasons for this.
 First , all of people have a right to live, and no one can violate this right. When you say that people must not kill others, the death penalty should be abolished. It is seemed that a lot of Japanese people agree with the death penalty. I think it is because the Japanese have a tend to sympathize with the victims. However, the essence of the death penalty is nothing but murder. If you think truly murder is worst, the death penalty should be done away with.
 Second, I hear that in America they don’t adopt the death pealty system. Instead of it, they give a long sentense to offenders who commit a major offense. In fact, there are a lot of cases until now that they give over one hundred years sentence to the offender. This figure means the prisoner cannot release from prison. I think it is horrible to live long years in prison with despair than to receive the death penalty.
 Thrid, if the accused who have already been executed prove to be innocent, there will be no turning back. In fact, there are some cases for the judges to sentense the death penalty to the innocent by mistake. To avoid the case, the death penalty should be abolished.



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