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投稿情報 | 内容 |
NO.529011 匿名→悪の旅人さん(男性/99歳) 2009/10/21 13:50:54 |
You may store the free audiograbber (agfreesetup.exe) on your own server as long as you don't link to any cracks or warez sites. I'd even appreciate it, because it lowers the bandwidth usage on my own server. For a more formal permission send me a request at Yesterday I got an invitation to be interviewed on CNET's radio show so Monday 27th you can listen to me talking about Audiograbber on Internet radio! Here's CNET's plug for their program give something back to the "Internet and MP3 community" so freeware it will be. I am also fed up with all the administrative work which I now hope it will be less of. I will continue developing Audiograbber and with less administrative work I can hopefully spend more time making new versions. |
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